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New posts in maven-3

maven tomcat7:deploy fails with access denied

maven maven-3 tomcat7

No plugin found for prefix 'docker' in the current project and in the plugin groups

Changing order of locations on classpath to be loaded up by surefire-plugin

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How to bind plugin mojos (goals) to few phases of default lifecycle?

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How to find the artifacts that depend on another artifact?

Java 9 - Can I add the MainClass attribute to module-info.class in the archive? [duplicate]

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Profiling Maven

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maven assembly, avoiding full path in zip file?

Maven 3 - Look up custom repository only for specific groupid

maven maven-3

maven 3 Failed to read artifact descriptor for

maven maven-3 pom.xml

Failed to load class "org.slf4j.impl.StaticLoggerBinder" error

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Maven 3 profile with extensions

Removing logback `INFO` messages from Maven Console for junit tests

Android Maven not starting emulator

java android maven-3

How to have maven-assembly-plugin respect the exclusions defined in pom.xml?

How does 'maven jetty:run' work?

Activating a Child Profile from a Parent Profile

Should I upgrade to Maven 3? [closed]

maven maven-3

How to integrate a React webapp inside a spring boot Application with jar packaging

Maven: Best way to change SNAPSHOT to Release version for parent/child modules while release?
