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New posts in maven-compiler-plugin

How to set -XX:PermSize=64m in maven-compiler-plugin?

What is "<release>" element on "<configuration>" for the "maven-compiler-plugin" in a JavaFX app

maven-compiler-plugin not found

Use Maven Compiler Plugin with Eclipse Compiler and Lombok

IntelliJ 14 maven compilation issues

Maven compilation failure when switching on enum

How do I pass javac multiple command-line arguments, some of which include colon, without breaking Maven release plugin?

Maven compiler plugin configured with Java 7 but still compiles Java 8 code

Why maven compilation doesn't work with "pom" packaging type

Maven 3: How to exclude generated sources from Xlint check?

Eclipse 4.3.2 with Java 8 patches doesn't recognize source level 1.8

How can I configure Maven to use JDK6 by default, but JDK7 as needed

Error when using javac: "javac: invalid flag: -s"

Java 8: What is the equivalent of "UseSplitVerifier"?

How to make maven-compiler-plugin not hide error source locations

How can I handle split packages in automatic modules?

java generics: compiler error not shown in eclipse