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Is the tag "<optional>" valid in dependencyManagement element?

I am a bit confused about how the mechanism for optional dependencies works in Maven. Is seems optional dependencies only work when specified directly, and not via Dependency Management.

I created three test projects p1-p3, with dependencies:

  • p3 depends on p2
  • p2 depends on p1

If I declare a dependency as optional in the <dependencies> element, this works as expected. POM of p2:


Result: The build of p3 pulls in p2, but not p1.

However, if I If I declare a dependency as optional in the <dependencyManagement> element, it seems to be ignored. POM of p2:



Result: The build of p3 pulls in p2 and p1.

Is this expected behavior? I could not find this documented anywhere.


  • Tested with Maven 3.0.3 and 3.2.1.
  • To see whether the build of p3 used p1, I checked both the output of mvn dependency:tree, and the classpaths listed by mvn -X (with identical results).
  • I also tried putting the <dependencyManagement> element into the POM of p1, instead of p2. The result was the same, i.e. <optional> had no effect.
like image 779
sleske Avatar asked May 12 '14 14:05


1 Answers

This was reported as MNG-1630. Although closed as 'Fixed', a comment suggests:

Actually, this issue was never fixed. The changes that have been committed in r354544 are insufficient as they neither update the DefaultArtifactCollector nor the DefaultModelDefaultsInjector to propage the optional flag from a managed dependency/artifact to a project dependency.

You've now opened a duplicate of this issue (MNG-5632) requesting either a behavioural or documentation change, which seems like an ideal way to track this.

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2 revs, 2 users 89% Avatar answered Nov 09 '22 22:11

2 revs, 2 users 89%