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SpelEvaluationException: EL1007E:(pos 43): Field or property 'group' cannot be found on null

I have SPRING METHOD security fully configured for my web application. (with PRE/POST annotations enabled).

However recently I encountered a strange issue with them. Summary as follows:

  1. Summary of POJOS

    // User Class
    public class User {
        int id;
        String name;
        // getters and setters
    // Group Class
    public class Group {
        int id;
        String name;
        // getters and setters
    // GroupMembership class
    public class GroupMembership {
        private int id;
        private User user;
        private Group group;
        // getters and setters
  2. PreAuthorise filter on method .

    public int updateGroupMembership(GroupMembership membership)
        throws GroupsServiceException;

Upon passing a fully populated GroupMembership object (proper user and group compositions present), the security filter throws following exception:

errorMessage: "Failed to evaluate expression

Upon digging into the exception:

The cause is found to be:

    EL1007E:(pos 33): Field or property 'group' cannot be found on null

Please provide pointers to address the same.

like image 459
hemantvsn Avatar asked Apr 09 '14 10:04


2 Answers

getter/setters seems fine... also no case of null.

However a interesting observation; this one gives me an error:

public int updateGroupMembership(GroupMembership membership)
    throws GroupsServiceException; 

This works fine:

public int updateGroupMembership(GroupMembership groupmembership)
    throws GroupsServiceException;

Further I observed, the parameter name was mismatching in case of first (i.e Service and ServiceImpl both had different parameter names).

Now maintaining the uniformity, the issue seems to be fixed.

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hemantvsn Avatar answered Oct 30 '22 09:10


I got the same issue in my Spring Boot application. It turned out that I was compiling without my debug symbols information, as it is mentioned in a comment above. I would like to remark that I could fix the issue in two ways:

1.(My favourite one): Just include this in your pom.xml --> plugins

  1. If you are using Java 1.8 and Eclipse as an IDE, go to your Project Properties --> Java Compile --> check "Store information about method parameters (usable via reflection)".

I found really interesting this link to know more about the issue.

Hope it helps!

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alonso_50 Avatar answered Oct 30 '22 08:10
