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New posts in maven-resources-plugin

android-maven-plugin and resource filtering

Maven-resources-plugin won't copy .metadata folder

How to stop backslashes being escaped when filtering with maven-resources-plugin?

intellij flags properties set by maven-resources-plugin as "cannot resolve symbol"

Want to set value in property file from pom build using maven resource plugin

Maven default Resources not copying resources

Error loading property file Maven

What is the syntax to run a maven plugin from the command line.

maven-resources-plugin breaks the resource copy to test-classes

Can Maven 'import' resource dependencies?

Maven archetype - Velocity error because of a colon

Maven build is not filtering properties in Intellij

How to ignore missing filter file error on pom.xml in Eclipse when using resource filtering?

Copying a single file then renaming it using maven-resources-plugin -- possible?

Apache Maven Resources Plugin exclude a directory

Maven randomly does not filter resources

Maven resources plugin filtering not working

maven-resources-plugin error using copy-resources goal: 'resources', 'outputDirectory' missing or invalid