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New posts in ios4

how to solve error EXC_BAD_ACCESS in my application?

iphone ios4 ios-simulator

How to disable UITableView header scroll?

uitableview ios4 header scroll

Is it possible to use a quality between AVAssetExportPresetMediumQuality and AVAssetExportPresetHighestQuality with AVAssetExportSession?

ipad lockdown: launch app on boot?

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how to tell an iOS device to stop remembering / forget location services preference for a specific app

How to run a background JavaScript in Phonegap on iPhone - for timer/stopwatch?

track small movements of iphone with no GPS

Best way to synchronize iPhone time with the server

Localizing Xcode source files using genstrings?

App Store Review, login-enabled apps? [closed]

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iOS: Facebook Comments Plugin mobile keeps reloading

Lazy load images for UITableViewCells from NSDocumentDirectory?

differences in developing for iphone and ipad

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iOS 4 - Using blocks as a member of a class

Why do different block animation constants have the same value?

UITextView setText is not updating the text

Creating a safe filename from an NSString?

iphone ios ios4 nsstring

DETECT the Edge of a Document in iPhoneSDK

Core Location region monitoring

UITableView Index bar Customization