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New posts in accelerometer

calculate acceleration in reference to true north

How to use the numbers from Game Rotation Vector in Android?

Android bouncing ball

java android accelerometer

Obtain absolute rotation using CMDeviceMotion?

How can I recognise a Microsoft Band gesture

Using Accelerometer in Safari iOS

How to read Android accelerometer values in a stable and accurate way?

Not getting accelerometer and heart rate data when screen is turned off in watchOS 2

How to determine the direction of a iPhone shake

iphone accelerometer

Detecting periodic data from the phone's accelerometer

Android accelerometer detect height?

android accelerometer

Some signal processing /FFT questions

Strange behavior of Core Motion's accelerometer implemented in the background mode

Shake event works differently on various devices Shake Event custom implementation

android accelerometer shake

Xcode iPhone accelerometer image

finding orientation using getRotationMatrix() and getOrientation()

Why is accelerometer:didAccelerate: deprecated in IOS5?