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New posts in magnetometer

How do I use Core Motion to output magnetometer data using SwiftUI?

Calibration of magnetometer doesn't give expected results

How can I use the Magnetometer from this Sensor API?

Android - SensorManager strange behaviour of getOrientation

Using magnetic sensor

java android magnetometer

How to calculate Heading using Gyro and magnetometer

Reading magnetic ink (MICR)

Weird behaviour of the magnetic field measurements while rotating the device

ios magnetometer: force display of calibration view

How to build a compass with the iPhone?

Mobile phone sensors

Difference between orientation sensor and magnetic field sensor on Android?

CoreLocation heading base on back camera (Augmented reality)

iPhone compass presents the wrong heading pitch angle is > about 45°

TYPE_ROTATION_VECTOR, TYPE_ORIENTATION give different results that too with deviation

Calculating magnetic heading using raw accelerometer and magnetometer data

finding orientation using getRotationMatrix() and getOrientation()