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New posts in hlsl

How to make Outer Glow Effect using HLSL?

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HLSL float array packing in constant buffer?

CreateComputeShader returns E_INVALIDARG when using doubles

Force field shader unwrap texture not working

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How to achieve smooth tangent space normals?

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Octree raycasting/raytracing - best ray/leaf intersection without recursion

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Can you look sample a texture in a vertex shader?

hlsl direct3d11

Calculating world space coordinates in the pixel shader

Sort algorithm with fewest number of operations

What is the difference between .hlsl and .hlsli?

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Deferred Shading DirectX demos?

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HLSL Pixel Shader - global variables?

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How do constant shaders need to be padded in order to avoid a E_INVALIDARG?

How can I compile asm shader to fxo file?

How to use Texture2DArray in HLSL DirectX11 C++

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Format of compiled directx9 shader files?

directx file-format hlsl d3dx

Optimization of HLSL shader

How to use shader constant-buffers?

directx shader hlsl