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New posts in complextype

Usage-specific serialization for complex type in Dictionary with JSON.Net

Sending complex type as a parameter in SOAP message

wcf soap complextype

Entity Framework 6 - The type has already been configured as an entity type. It cannot be reconfigured as a complex type

XSD restriction of element with inheritance doesn't work

EF 6: mapping complex type collection?

Entity framework column mapping for complex types

Binding to Complex Objects in the ViewModel from the View?

How to expose a complex type in a Delphi WebService

delphi soap types complextype

OData Exception: A recursive loop of complex types is not allowed

c# recursion odata complextype

PHP SoapParam/SoapVar for complex type gives "object hasn't 'xxx' property" - repeating element

php soap repeat complextype

Why are the aliases for string and object in lowercase?

Include Elements in XSD Complex Type Without New Element

xsd element complextype

C++11 copy assignment for std::complex in g++ 4.5 - no match for 'operator+'

What are Complex Types in Context with Entity Framework

Python enums with complex types

python enums complextype

How to use complex number "i" in C++

How do you insert data into complex data type "Struct" in Hive

Entity Framework returning distinct records issue