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New posts in benchmarking

R loop getting slower and slower

Why does Mono run a simple method slower whereas RyuJIT runs it significantly faster?

How to prepare a constant benchmark environment

JVM benchmarking application [closed]

java jvm benchmarking

C++ Array vs Vector performance test explanation [closed]

How to really benchmark the memory usage of a Java application

Alternatives to ApacheBench for profiling my code speed

What are the performance characteristics between curried, partially applied, and 'normal' functions in Scala?

Odd results when evaluating benchmark example from Rust Book

Correct way of portably timing code using C++11

c++ c++11 benchmarking timing

Is it possible to eliminate jitter from a Linux machine when running a simple single-threaded C++ program?

Does a Tickless Linux Kernel Introduce Benchmark Timing Variations?

RabbitMQ message consumers stop consuming messages

benchmarking rabbitmq amqp

Estimating of interrupt latency on the x86 CPUs

Benchmark: BSON vs JSON

json benchmarking bson

Python benchmark tool like nosetests?

Fortran vs C: Mandelbrot benchmark

How come CPython is faster than PyPy on the two tests "slowspitfire" and "waf"?

Drain the instruction pipeline of Intel Core 2 Duo?

Scala criterion equivalent