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New posts in benchmarking

D performance: union vs @property

benchmarking d dmd gdc

String Pool: "Te"+"st" faster than "Test"?

Is it possible to write a shell script which is faster than the equivalent script in Perl? [closed]

Go lang string constants

go benchmarking

Speed/best practice flushing mysqli_multi_query()

ActiveRecords select(:id).collect vs. pluck(:id) methods: Why is pure AR "pluck" slower?

ruby benchmarking

Poor performance of Java's Math.pow(x, 2) when x = 0

What does CPU Time for a Hadoop Job signify?

hadoop timing benchmarking

Recommendations for Web application performance benchmarks

Benchmarking/Performance testing of the API - REST/SOAP

api rest soap benchmarking

Case of Ruby performing better than Java

MATLAB function is slow the first time, but much faster subsequently. Why?

matlab benchmarking

Asyncio Making HTTP Requests Slower?

millisecond-accurate benchmarking in C++?

Java Reflection Performance Issue

For tabular data, what renders faster, CSS or <TABLE>? [closed]

Unix Command For Benchmarking Code Running K times

.NET micro-benchmarking API [closed]