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How can I check the DMD version in compile-time?

Enum of strings not printing expected value

d dmd

overloading opIndexAssign

operator-overloading d dmd

Why aren't other modules being compiled?

How to painlessly initialize function pointers?

d dmd

Remove white space characters from a char[] array in D

d dmd phobos

struct to ubyte[] or ubyte[] to struct for d language

d dmd

Why might rdmd not be running all unit tests?

unit-testing d dmd

How to pass object from D to C++?

c++ interop d dmd ldc

Mono-D DMD compiler issues

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Statically linking SQLite with DMD (Windows x86)

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Share Barrier across threads in D

synchronization d dmd barrier

Sending a templated function as an argument to a templated function in D

templates d dmd

error instantiating redBlackTree template

Why is readf not returning a value?

d dmd

Which D compilers will perform tail-call optimization on this function?

d dmd gdc

sdl ttf_rendertext_blended fails randomly

opengl d sdl-2 dmd sdl-ttf

How to develop a library in D

windows d dmd

Confusion regarding the 'align' attribute

d dmd

Why is readf not behaving as expected?

d dmd