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New posts in 32bit-64bit

Enumeration set size in x64

EXCEL 64 bit command line vba code

vba excel 64-bit 32bit-64bit

How to use the correct unmanaged DLL file according CPU architecture? (32 / 64 bits)

.net c++ 32bit-64bit

Using Matlab 32 and 64 bit on the same machine, how do you store settings in a different place?

What does DUnit2's CallerAddr function do, and how do I convert it to 64 bits?

delphi assembly 32bit-64bit

Inno Setup 32bit and 64bit dll installation

inno-setup 32bit-64bit

What is the best way to support multiple architectures in a mixed managed/unmanaged environment?

Mixing 32-bit and 64-bit P/Invokes

c# interop 32bit-64bit

Using 32-bit library in 64-bit C++ program

c++ unix 32bit-64bit

Delphi - Why can't I install my component in 64Bit?

MapViewOfFile shared between 32bit and 64bit processes

Differences between compiling for i386 vs x86_64 in Xcode?

xcode 32bit-64bit

How can I detect if GHC is set to generate 32bit or 64bit code by default?

Compiling 32bit matlab application on 64 bit machine (c++)

c++ matlab 32bit-64bit

Bluetooth in java (J2SE)

Can windows distinguish 32-bit and 64-bit DLLs?

windows dll path 32bit-64bit

How to develop to take advantage of 64 bit systems?

MinGW GCC -- Single 32-bit and 64-bit cross-compiler?

gcc mingw 32bit-64bit

RXTX cannot list or find ports under windows 7 64 bits

Unresolved external symbol error occurring only in 64-bit mode and not in 32-bit build