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New posts in memory-mapped-files

Memory mapped file and memory consumption

c# memory-mapped-files

Writing and reading to a memory mapped file in OCaml

ocaml memory-mapped-files

Does any C or C++ standard recognize the existence of memory mapped files?

Working of Open System Call

load np.memmap without knowing shape

c++ boost write memory mapped file

memory mapped files

Is the data in a memory-mapped file guaranteed to flush sequentially?

The specified Type must be a struct containing no references

mmap performance on iOS with frequent writes

Is there a C# equivalent to boost::interprocess::basic_string?

Is it kosher to memory map a file a second time but with a larger size?

Writing out DMA buffers into memory mapped file

Is MemoryMappedFile.CreateNew(...) guaranteed to create a file with zeroes?

c# zero memory-mapped-files

Opening memory-mapped file with encoding

Read scattered data from multiple files in java

Can multiple threads see writes on a direct mapped ByteBuffer in Java?