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New posts in xsd

How to generate JaxB-Classes with java.util.Optional?

Java xsd validation of xml without namespace

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Using .NET to validate XML against a schema

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Validate an incoming SOAP request to the WSDL in PHP

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JAXB Documentation Annotation

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Can a sequence of XML elements be conditional on a property?

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JAXB class generation with imported XSD and binding

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Xsd.exe or Svcutil.exe to convert XSD schema to a class

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JAXB - flag 'required' from XmlAttribute being ignored on primitive types

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How to create XElement representing date in DateTime as type xs:Date

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Xsd to rnc (or rng) conversion (unix command line)

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What is this XSD import namespace for?

xsd xml-namespaces

Selecting nodes with XPath for binding a subset of classes with JAXB

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Remove intermediate class when generating code from schema

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XML validation with Schematron/XSD in C#

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Generate additional custom method with jaxb-xjc

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How to instruct PowerShell to garbage collect .NET objects like XmlSchemaSet?

Does libxml2 supports XSD 1.1

Conditional required elements in an XSD

XmlValidatingReader class is obsolete

xml xsd