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New posts in xsd-validation

How can I reuse a complex type in XSD for multiple elements?

How to reference local XSD from XML file?

What do the attributes 'final' and 'block' mean in XSD?

xml xsd xsd-validation xsd-1.1

Local XML validation with DTD or XSD using a relative path?

XSD Error: This element is not expected

Validating XML files against XSD in FireMonkey

Using Xerces-j to validate an XML Document

XSD schema that allow random order

xml xsd xsd-validation

xsd:simpleType: Can xsd:pattern and xsd:maxLength work together?

How to validate an xml file against an XSD Schema using Amara library in Python?

In XSD how do I allow only whitespace in an element's content?

XSD schema: How to specify the number of digits in a value?

xml xsd xsd-validation

MaxLength restriction for MultiLineText field in SDL Tridion 2011

Add pattern to anyURI data type in xsd

xsd xsd-validation

Error: S4s-elt-character: Non-whitespace Characters Are Not Allowed In Schema Elements Other Than 'xs:appinfo' And 'xs:documentation'

Does JAXB support xsd:restriction?