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New posts in xsd-validation

Is there an alternative to <assert> in XML Schema 1.0

Synchronous XML Schema Validation? .NET 3.5

c# xml xsd xsd-validation

XML validation and namespaces in .NET

c# xsd-validation

how to simulate lack of network connectivity in unit testing

java xml junit xsd-validation

How to add conditional validation in XSD :


XSD Two elements with the same name but different attribute value

xsd xsd-validation

How to make type depend on attribute value using Conditional Type Assignment

xml xsd xsd-validation xsd-1.1

How to declare a complexType has only one child element?

The prefix "xs" for element "xs:schema" is not bound


How to instantiate an XSD Element of an abstract type

xml xsd xsd-validation

different behavior for Full Framework and .NET Core for xml schema compilation

Validation Error of Spring Beans Schema inside Application Context

spring xsd-validation

Should I be using XSD 1.1 to build an open standard?

Distribute XSD files over multiple Maven Artifacts

Can xs:anyURI contain square brackets in XSD?

Validate XML against XSD with JavaScript on client side

Dynamic enumeration restriction using XSD 1.1

How can I specify an element to have an attribute that states how many children it contains in an XML Schema?

XSD regular expression pattern: this or nothing

regex xsd xsd-validation

Speeding up XML schema validations of a batch of XML files against the same XML schema (XSD)