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New posts in xsd-validation

xsd property set required according to enum value

xsd xsd-validation

Xsd.exe is unable generate class when Importing ComplexType

Turn on the validation XSD 1.1 in Intellij IDEA

How to specify repeated elements in XSD

How to link XML to XSD using schemaLocation or noNamespaceSchemaLocation?

Error: It was detected that 'sites' has no namespace, but components with no target namespace are not referenceable from schema document

XSD attribute NILLABLE not working

xml xsd xsd-validation

XML Signature element is not declared

The difference between <all> <sequence> <choice> and <group> in XSD?

Max default length xsd string

xml xsd xsd-validation

How to ignore the validation of Unknown tags?

xml xsd xsd-validation

How to define mutually exclusive attributes in XSD?

xml xsd xsd-validation

XSD element substitution group example?

Restricting XML Elements Based on Another Element via XSD

xml xsd xsd-validation

Can a sequence of XML elements be conditional on a property?

xml xsd xsd-validation

How do I extend a base schema with custom elements while remaining open to change from new versions?

xml xsd xsd-validation

XML Schema 1.1 not recognizing 'assert' or 'assertion'

xml xsd xsd-validation xsd-1.1

How to solve validation error on xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation in jdoconfig.xml

Ignoring supplied namespaces when validating XML with XSD

c# xml xsd-validation

XSD: Cannot resolve the name 'type' to a(n) 'type definition' component

eclipse xsd xsd-validation