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New posts in xml-validation

How can I reuse a complex type in XSD for multiple elements?

How to reference local XSD from XML file?

Local XML validation with DTD or XSD using a relative path?

XML validation by XSLT or Schematron in Eclipse XML Editor?

XSD Error: This element is not expected

XML Schema validation ignored when fragment-level conformance is enabled?

c# .net xsd xml-validation

XmlDocument.Validate does not fire for multiple errors

Validating XML files against XSD in FireMonkey

How to set up catalog files for xmllint?

xml xsd xml-validation lint

Validate an XML against an XSD in Java / Getting a hold of the schemaLocation

Python hangs on lxml.etree.XMLSchema(tree) with apache + mod_wsgi

XML Schema validation for POST requests with ASP.NET WebAPI

In XSD how do I allow only whitespace in an element's content?

Grab, cache and parse remote XML feed, validation checks in PHP

php xml curl xml-validation

Element must have no character or element information item [children], because the type's content type is empty

xml xsd xml-validation

error: Error parsing XML: mismatched tag

Error: S4s-elt-character: Non-whitespace Characters Are Not Allowed In Schema Elements Other Than 'xs:appinfo' And 'xs:documentation'

Schema validation not trimming strings before validating

c# .net xml xsd xml-validation

Disable DTD in javax XML Validator

Is it possible to ignore namespaces in c# when using xPath?

xml xpath xsd xml-validation