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Many to many relationship in java google ap engine

Datanucleus gae.pk-id not populated on makePersistent

How do I annotate a collection of embedded objects in Google App Engine (Java)?

google-app-engine jdo

How can I optimize an AppEngine Java/JDO datastore put() to use less writes

java google-app-engine jdo

ClassCastException when trying to add child to parent in owned one to many. (using jdo on google appengine)

Keeping a JDO persistence manager alive instead of closing it?

java google-app-engine jdo

XSD Schema - JAXB marshaling - Datastore(JPA/JDO) Roundtrip

java jpa jaxb jdo

Transactions over very very large entity group

java google-app-engine jdo

App-Engine JDO consistent reading not working, maybe caching?

Key or Long for ID in Google App Engine (JDO)

google-app-engine jdo

Embedded JDO Field is not Retrieved by Query

Gae Jdo persistance on one-to-many owned relationship with bidirectional navigation

App Engine, JDO and Maven. Error on startup

JDO Exception: "Query requires 1 parameters, yet 2 values have been provided."

How do you make query results available after closing the persistence manager

java google-app-engine jdo

Datanucleus, JDO and executable jar - how to do it?

java jdo datanucleus

Why am I getting a cast error in my Query using JDO on Google App Engine?

JDO for Google App Engine: escaping quotes

Maven building for GoogleAppEngine, forced to include JDO libraries?

Error HBASE-ZOOKEEPER : Too many connections