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Unable to persist objects in GAE JDO

java google-app-engine jdo

How to use JDO persistence manager?

Migrating fields in JDO

How does ORM work under the covers? Also what is the best way to have persistent objects in Java?

java orm jdo database

Where do I set TransactionOptions with JDO / Google App Engine?

full-text search using Google App Engine and JDO?

Alternative strategy to query aggregation ("group by") in google app engine datastore

How do you use list properties in Google App Engine datastore in Java?

Unit Testing XG Cross Group Transaction in App Engine Java JDO

GWT Editors and GAE Datastore

Configuring JDO in Spring 3.1?

java spring jdo

Class org.datanucleus.api.jdo.PersistenceManagerFactoryClass was not found

google-app-engine jdo

Inconsistent Fetch From Google App Engine Datastore

App Engine identifier. Key vs Id

java google-app-engine jdo

Generate Automatic Id IdGeneratorStrategy

GWT+UIBinder+Gin+Guice+JDO+GAE example

How to delete a column (attribute) from a GAE datastore?

What's the easiest way to persist java objects?

Google App Engine, JDO, and equals/hashCode