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New posts in xsd

XSD Error: Character content is not allowed, because the content type is empty

xml xsd

How to fix soapenv:Envelope issue in XSD schema while validating with SOAP request/response

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How to define mutually exclusive attributes in XSD?

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How to get more specific errors when validating XML against an XSD using java.xml.validator

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Any difference when you use min/maxOccurs at sequence rather than element level


XSD element substitution group example?

How to declare an attribute ID in XML

xml xsd

Insert XML node at a specific position of an existing document

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XmlSchema inferred from an XML file - how to iterate through all the elements in the XSD?

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Validate an xml against xsd with JS/jQuery [duplicate]

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Schema Issue: The global element ' ' has already been declared

xml xsd web-config

how to import XSD types into root schema?

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How to make a dotnet webservice set minOccurs="1" on a string value

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JAXB objects initialized with default values

jaxb xsd default-value

Restricting XML Elements Based on Another Element via XSD

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Validating jdoconfig with incorrect url

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Can I have null attribute and other attribute at the same tag in XML created by XSD C# generated class?

c# xml xsd

Notepad++ XML autocompletion against XSD

xml autocomplete xsd notepad++