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Notepad++ XML autocompletion against XSD

I know that XML Tools will validate an XML doc against an XSD file, and works well, but is it (or any other plugin) capable of offering tag auto-completion of XML tags based on XSD file (e.i offer me allowed tags or suggest allowed attributes)?

For example, Eclipse editor does this tag auto-completion very nicely.

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Dusko Delic Avatar asked Jan 14 '16 09:01

Dusko Delic

People also ask

How connect XML to XSD?

Reference the XSD schema in the XML document using XML schema instance attributes such as either xsi:schemaLocation or xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation. Add the XSD schema file to a schema cache and then connect that cache to the DOM document or SAX reader, prior to loading or parsing the XML document.

Can I use Notepad++ to validate XML?

Notepad++ in combination with the XML Tools Plugin and the XidML schema is a smart way to validate XidML files (basically any XML file where you have a schema).

How can I see XSD in Notepad++?

Select and Install XML Tools in Notepad++. Import the XML document that you want to validate. Click on the Plugins > XML Tools > Validate Now option. Browse and select an XSD file to validate the XML file against it.

1 Answers

To my best knowledge there is no autocompletion against a xsd in notepad++ - so please concider making a feature request to the XML Tools author, or (simpler) use another editor such as eclipse, Visual Studio Code, Altova XMLSpy, etc. I guess there is no autocompletion against a xsd, because this feature is to complex for such a simple text editor.

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PowerStat Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 05:09
