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JAXB objects initialized with default values

There is little problem with JAXB.


  • Java 1.5; jaxb -jars from jaxws-2_0.
  • .xsd scheme and generated JAXB classes.
  • Every simple element in .xsd has default value. And as result class members has annotations like "@XmlElement(name = "cl_fname", required = true, defaultValue = "[______]")"


Get java object (root element) which fully represent xml and every member initialized by default values.

when I try to marshall xml without explicitly setting values, default values doesn't make sence... is there any way to marshall xml populated with default values without customization of generated classes?

example of .xsd:

<xs:element name="document">
            <xs:element ref="d_int"/>
            <xs:element ref="d_double"/>
            <xs:element ref="d_string"/>

<xs:element name="d_int" type="xs:int" default="-1"/>
<xs:element name="d_double" type="xs:double" default="-1.0"/>
<xs:element name="d_string" type="xs:string" default="false"/>

and java class:

public class Document {
    @XmlElement(name = "d_int", defaultValue = "-1")
    protected int dInt;
    @XmlElement(name = "d_double", defaultValue = "-1.0")
    protected double dDouble;
    @XmlElement(name = "d_string", required = true, defaultValue = "Default")
    protected String dString;
like image 457
A7iz Avatar asked Aug 20 '12 15:08


1 Answers

default value that is in annotations works only after unmarshalling.
unmarshal this


and you will get object with default values (-1, -1.0, "Default")

If you want set default values to marshalling, you should do this

public class Document {
    @XmlElement(name = "d_int", defaultValue = "-1")
    protected int dInt = 100;
    @XmlElement(name = "d_double", defaultValue = "-1.0")
    protected double dDouble = -100;
    @XmlElement(name = "d_string", required = true, defaultValue = "Default")
    protected String dString = "def";

jaxb generate default values only for unmarshalling

like image 72
Ilya Avatar answered Dec 13 '22 19:12
