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Defining package names for common XSD's with xjc and bindings

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Bind a custom WSDL to an existing WCF Service

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Dynamic root element JAXB?

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Comparing two XML Schemas [closed]

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XSD: Define an element with any name

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XML Schema: Can I make some of an attribute's values be required but still allow other values?

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Disable XML validation based on external DTD/XSD

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How to Customize Deserialization of a JSON enum in .NET?

HTTP Status 409 - The target deployment path [...] does not match the POM's expected path prefix

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Extending XHTML

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Changing XSD ConnectionString at Runtime for a Multitenant app

Ignore element order while validating XML against XSD

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How can I validate XML with XSD in Perl?

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Using XML Schema for code autocomplete in my XML editor

xml xsd

XSD validation error: Element '{http://www.example.com}Scope': This element is not expected. Expected is ( Scope )

Use JAXB (xjc) generated classes in android

android xml json xsd xjc

What XSLT 2.0 tools exist? [closed]

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XML DTD/Schema validation in Maven

Conventions for annotating appinfo in xml-schema?

xsd annotations

Can Oracle validate XML using an XSD schema on the local file system?

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