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Comparing two XML Schemas [closed]

Are there any tools to effectively compare two XML schema's? I have seen some generic XML diff tools, but I was wondering if there is anything that knows more about schemas.

like image 743
Dave Avatar asked Aug 26 '08 15:08


People also ask

How does XMLSpy compare two XML files in Altova?

XMLSpy and DiffDog are both capable of performing three-way diffs. This feature enables developers to easily diff and merge XML documents that have been changed by multiple developers back into a repository. In addition to being able to compare XML data, DiffDog allows developers to compare diff any text based file.

How do I compare two large XML files?

Just drag and drop the files you want to compare and select the option as compare with selected.

How do I compare two XML files in Notepad?

Open any two files (A, B) in Notepad++, which you want to compare. File B (new) gets compared to File A (old). Then, navigate to Plugins > Compare Menu > Compare. It shows the difference/comparison side by side, as shown in the screenshot.

1 Answers

I would look into DeltaXML. It seems to have the features you're looking for. They even have a guide on how to compare schemas.

like image 141
pix0r Avatar answered Oct 21 '22 20:10
