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New posts in x86

MASM Assembly move 8 bit register to the 16 bit register (ie. mov cx, ch) [duplicate]

same assembly instruction but different machine instruction

assembly x86 nasm disassembly

The ordering of L1 cache controller to process memory requests from CPU

NASM tutorial uses int 80h, but this isn't working on Windows

windows winapi assembly x86 nasm

How could this assembly be possible?

c gcc assembly x86

x86 sbb with same register as first and second operand

What are 8086 ESC instruction opcodes

Are there any good VB/C# x86 disassembler libraries? [closed]

c# vb.net x86 disassembly

Byte order in memory after storing a 16-bit number on 8086?

C# How do you get the operating system architecture (x86 or x64)? [duplicate]

c# windows .net-2.0 x86 64-bit

Alternatives to NOP for shellcode nop sleds

Read-write thread-safe smart pointer in C++, x86-64

Porting x86/64 Windows programs to Windows 8 ARM

Can an inline assembly (__asm) block prevent function optimisation?

what's the difference between iret and iretd,iretq?

assembly linux-kernel x86

Why "DIV EDX" in MASM always generates processor exception?

Why is both "03 c8" and "01 c1" = add ecx, eax

assembly x86

NASM changes JNZ to JNE while assembling? Why?

assembly x86 nasm disassembly

Are Intel x86_64 processors not only pipelined architecture, but also superscalar?

Rebooting in Protected Mode

x86 osdev