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Are there any good VB/C# x86 disassembler libraries? [closed]

I'm looking for a library that will disassemble x86 code into some sort of object model that I can then use to write routines that analyze the code. I'm not interested in a library that converts x86 code to text disassembly--I've found more than a few of those, but they're not that useful since I want to do some work on top of the code that I disassemble. Oh, and I'd like it to be .Net code (VB or C# preferable).

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panopticoncentral Avatar asked May 20 '09 20:05


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It is that VB computes the loop bound once while C# computes the loop condition on each iteration. It is just a fundamental difference in the way the languages were intended to be used. ...is slightly faster than the equivalent in VB.

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For professional developers it is not a very popular language as the syntax is a bit bulky and clumsy. Languages like C#, Java, C++ and others are more popular among professional developers. However, you don't have to be a developer to write applications.

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The answer is yes, but it is mostly used for enterprise applications and by a select few large software companies who still enjoy the benefits of Visual Basic. Microsoft uses Visual Basic as the primary programming language for the Windows operating system.

1 Answers

Reflector doesn't do x86 as far as I know.

Your best bet is using the scripting or COM interface to OllyDbg or IDA Pro.

I would recommend IDA Pro if you can afford it. IDA has a very rich API, active development and lots of documentation. You can run it in autonomous mode, I believe using the '-AS' switch. See http://www.hex-rays.com/idapro/idadoc/417.htm for more info on the command line arguments.

I also ran into libdasm, but never used it, so not sure how good it is. libdasm looks like C/C++ so it should be simple to write an API wrapper in C#.

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kervin Avatar answered Nov 14 '22 21:11
