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New posts in stata

Is there a way to read Stata labels in python?

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Hadoop and Stata

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sending code from vim to stata

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is there an R function for Stata's xtnbreg?

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Replicating Stata Probit with robust errors in R

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Is there a fast way to search for variables in R?

r stata

Equivalent for Stata's egen group() function

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Stata: how to change a string variable to a date?

string date format stata

lme4::glmer vs. Stata's melogit command

r stata lme4 mixed-models

is there an equivalent to Stata's egen function? [duplicate]

r stata

Reshape data frame from wide to panel with multiple variables and some time invariant

Stata: Check if a local macro is undefined

Clustered standard errors in R using plm (with fixed effects)

r stata plm standard-error

What is the equivalent of Stata function inlist() in R?

r command stata

Reading in only part of a Stata .DTA file in R

Migrating from Stata to Python

python statistics numpy stata

Using if qualifier with egen in Stata


Does Stata have any `try and catch` mechanism similar to Java?

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How to rewrite this Stata code in R?

r stata