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New posts in stata

Read multiples of same columns in a fixed width file

r stata

How to keep a list of variables given some of them may not exist?

stata capture stata-macros

R - type in multiple strings without quotation marks

string r stata

What is the equivalent to Stata's portmanteau (Q) test for white noise in R?

r time-series stata

Stata seemingly not actually rounding with round()

rounding stata

Regular expression to extract number before/after word

regex stata

Hausman type test in R

r stata plm panel-data

Macros in for loop in Stata

loops local stata

How to plot relative frequencies in R or Stata

r plot ggplot2 stata

Stata tabstat change order/sort?

Calculating summary statistic across subsets of dataset [What is the equivalent of Stata's "bysort" in R?]

r stata

Robust Linear Regression Results in Python and Stata Do Not Agree

Markdown in other statistics packages than R [closed]

sas stata knitr spss r-markdown

Saving Stata File Within a Function in R

r function save stata

R equivalent of Stata *

r stata

How can I rank observations within groups in Stata?


Exporting results

statistics stata

Stata -- extract regression output for 3500 regressions run in a loop