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New posts in plm

Generating a lagged time series cross sectional variable in R

r time-series panel-data plm

Hausman type test in R

r stata plm panel-data

R / plm extract residuals by index

r plm pseries

R/plm: Cannot estimate random effects model due to error (system is computationally singular)?

r random panel regression plm

How to regress multiple series on single series conditioned on grouping variables?

r dplyr regression xts plm

How to calculate dynamic panel models with lfe package

r xts plm lfe

Fixed effects regression in R (with a very large number of dummy variables)

r plm

R: Plotting panel model predictions using plm & pglm

r panel-data plm

Panel data with binary dependent variable in R

r regression panel-data plm

How to compare 2 models in R using the plm package?

r anova plm

texreg on panelmodel (plm) object; additional gof information

r latex plm texreg

plm Package in R - empty model when including only variables without variation over time per individual

r plm

How to perform piece wise/spline regression for longitudinal temperature series in R (New Update)?

Fixed Effects Regression with Interaction Term Causes Error

r plm

R: avoiding summary.plm

R: plm -- year fixed effects -- year and quarter data