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glm and relative risk -replicate Stata code in R

r stata glm

Three backslashes in outreg2 tex tables?

latex stata

How do I convert string variables to numeric variables in Stata?

string variables numeric stata

Sublime Text 3 with Stata (Enhanced) - opens new instance of Stata for every command

sublimetext3 stata

How can I generate multicore load on Stata/MP?


Open a dta file in R

r stata

Two stage least square in R

How do I create a "macro" for regressors in R?

GLM function in R with log link not working

r stata

R Language: How do I print / see summary statistics for sample subset?

r statistics stata

Reading .dat and .dct directly from R

r stata read.table

How to rename many variables with string suffixes

foreach stata stata-macros

How do I stop SAS from adding an extra empty byte to every string variable when I use PROC EXPORT?

sas stata

Using Stata's esttab, add dollar sign to cell format, export to Latex

latex stata

R to Stata: Exporting dataframe with variable labels

r variables labels stata

Data Mining/Statistical Analysis options for a Heroku Rails app?

Multinomial Logit model Python and Stata different results

Replicating seed setting from Stata

Generate variable containing number of characters in a string variable


Use value label in if command
