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Reshape data frame from wide to panel with multiple variables and some time invariant

This is a basic problem in data analysis which Stata deals with in one step.

Create a wide data frame with time invariant data (x0) and time varying data for years 2000 and 2005 (x1,x2):

d1 <- data.frame(subject = c("id1", "id2"),  
x0 = c("male", "female"),  
x1_2000 = 1:2,   
x1_2005 = 5:6,  
x2_2000 = 1:2,  
x2_2005 = 5:6    


subject x0 x1_2000 x1_2005 x2_2000 x2_2005  
1     id1 male         1       5       1       5  
2     id2 female       2       6       2       6  

I want to shape it like a panel so data looks like this:

        subject     x0 time x1 x2
1     id1   male 2000  1  1
2     id2 female 2000  2  2
3     id1   male 2005  5  5
4     id2 female 2005  6  6

I can do this with reshape s.t.

d2 <-reshape(d1, 
    times = c(2000,2005),
    direction = "long",
    sep= "_")

My main concern is that when you have dozens of variables the above command gets very long. In stata one would simply type:

reshape long x1 x2, i(subject) j(year)

Is there such a simple solution in R?

like image 532
Fred Avatar asked Mar 13 '11 02:03


People also ask

What is the method used to reshape the data from wide to long?

You can reshape the data using proc transpose or reshape the data in a data step.

What does it mean to reshape data?

To begin with, let us define the 'shape' of a data set. The shape of a data set refers to the way in which a data set is arranged into rows and columns, and reshaping data is the rearrangement of the data without altering the content of the data set.

What is reshape in Stata?

stata.com. reshape — Convert data from wide to long form and vice versa.

2 Answers

reshape can guess many of its arguments. In this case it's sufficient to specify the following. No packages are used.

 reshape(d1, dir = "long", varying = 3:6, sep = "_")


       subject     x0 time x1 x2 id
1.2000     id1   male 2000  1  1  1
2.2000     id2 female 2000  2  2  2
1.2005     id1   male 2005  5  5  1
2.2005     id2 female 2005  6  6  2
like image 74
G. Grothendieck Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 07:09

G. Grothendieck

here is a brief example using reshape2 package:


# it is always useful to start with melt
d2 <- melt(d1, id=c("subject", "x0"))

# redefine the time and x1, x2, ... separately
d2 <- transform(d2, time = str_replace(variable, "^.*_", ""),
                    variable = str_replace(variable, "_.*$", ""))

# finally, cast as you want
d3 <- dcast(d2, subject+x0+time~variable)

now you don't need even specifying x1 and x2.
This code works if variables increase:

> d1 <- data.frame(subject = c("id1", "id2"), x0 = c("male", "female"),
+ x1_2000 = 1:2,
+ x1_2005 = 5:6,
+ x2_2000 = 1:2,
+ x2_2005 = 5:6,
+ x3_2000 = 1:2,
+ x3_2005 = 5:6,
+ x4_2000 = 1:2,
+ x4_2005 = 5:6
+ ) 
> d2 <- melt(d1, id=c("subject", "x0"))
> d2 <- transform(d2, time = str_replace(variable, "^.*_", ""),
+                     variable = str_replace(variable, "_.*$", ""))
> d3 <- dcast(d2, subject+x0+time~variable)
> d3
  subject     x0 time x1 x2 x3 x4
1     id1   male 2000  1  1  1  1
2     id1   male 2005  5  5  5  5
3     id2 female 2000  2  2  2  2
4     id2 female 2005  6  6  6  6
like image 36
kohske Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 07:09
