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Migrating from Stata to Python

Some coworkers who have been struggling with Stata 11 are asking for my help to try to automate their laborious work. They mainly use 3 commands in Stata:

tsset (sets a time series analysis)

as in: tsset year_column, yearly

varsoc (Obtain lag-order selection statistics for VARs)

as in: varsoc column_a column_b

vec (vector error-correction model)

as in: vec column_a column_b, trend(con) lags(1) noetable

Does anyone know any scientific library that I can use through python for this same functionality?

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relima Avatar asked Oct 15 '10 21:10


People also ask

Can I use Stata in Python?

Whether you are integrating Python into Stata or Stata into Python, you can use the sfi (Stata Function Interface) module to interact Python's capabilities with Stata's core features.

What coding language does Stata use?

Stata was written, then as now, in the C programming language, initially for PCs running the DOS operating system.

1 Answers

I believe both scikits.timeseries and econpy / pytrix implement vector autoregression methods, but I haven't put either through their paces.

like image 51
ars Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 03:09
