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Lines of Code in Eclipse PyDev Projects

I'm wondering if anyone has had any luck using the Eclipse Metrics Plugin with Projects that are not in Java (specifically I'm trying to generate code metrics for a couple of PyDev Projects). I've read through the walk-through for the Metrics project but it indicates that I should be in the Java Perspective before accessing the Properties for my Project and that I should find a Metrics section. I don't get that for my PyDev Projects regardless of which Perspective I have open. Any suggestions or advice would be great.

like image 818
g.d.d.c Avatar asked Jul 09 '10 15:07


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1 Answers

I don't know if it's doable to get the plugin to work with pydev projects, but if it's just the lines-of-code metric you are after, you could run this snippet in your project's root directory:

# prints recursive count of lines of python source code from current directory
# includes an ignore_list. also prints total sloc

import os
cur_path = os.getcwd()
ignore_set = set(["__init__.py", "count_sourcelines.py"])

loclist = []

for pydir, _, pyfiles in os.walk(cur_path):
    for pyfile in pyfiles:
        if pyfile.endswith(".py") and pyfile not in ignore_set:
            totalpath = os.path.join(pydir, pyfile)
            loclist.append( ( len(open(totalpath, "r").read().splitlines()),
                               totalpath.split(cur_path)[1]) )

for linenumbercount, filename in loclist: 
    print "%05d lines in %s" % (linenumbercount, filename)

print "\nTotal: %s lines (%s)" %(sum([x[0] for x in loclist]), cur_path)
like image 134
ChristopheD Avatar answered Oct 14 '22 06:10
