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New posts in shader

Why does this OpenGL Shader segmentation fault on calls to glCreateShader?

Optimization of HLSL shader

360 viewer in unity, texture appears warped in the top and bottom

Blending anti-aliased circles with regl

Compile each .metal file into a separate .metallib

xcode shader metal

Using a gradient along a path

Is it viable to replace GLSL with CG?

opengl glsl shader cg

How to apply custom shader to sprite in THREE.js

Browser for CSS shaders? [closed]

Sharing a glProgram among multiple OpenGL-ES contexts?

How to use shader constant-buffers?

directx shader hlsl

Passing custom type (struct) uniform from Qt to GLSL using QGLShaderProgram

c++ qt glsl shader

Understanding Shader in Android?

android shader

What does #pragma vertex vert_img do in a Unity shader?

unity3d shader cg

Fast, inaccurate sin function without lookup

math trigonometry shader

OpenGL photoshop overlay blend mode

WebGL/GLSL time variable similar to ShaderToy

OpenGL ES 1.x Shaders

iphone opengl-es shader

Approach for writing a GLSL fragment shader with a solid color per triangle/face

opengl 3d glsl shader

GLSL global variables

opengl glsl global shader