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New posts in shader

How do I reference an arbitrary id<MTLTexture> for use in a SCNTechnique?

3d shader scenekit metal

Blending multiple textures in GLSL

opengl 3d glsl shader hlsl

Use different texture for specific triangles in VBO

c++ opengl textures shader

Glitchy Facial Morph Target Animation in OpenGL (C++)

Unwanted Transparency in Phong Shader - GLSL

how to achieve this motion blur shader effect?

OpenGL Shading Language backwards compatibility

Is there any example on the web how Collision Detection can be implemented with Shaders?

Ensure GLSL compatibility

Changing the color of some fragment of a texture using shaders

opengl opengl-es qml shader

Trouble with Phong Shading

c++ graphics shader raytracing

Unity3D, round the edges of a box, cube?

unity3d shader bump-mapping

Using GLSL to render a smooth reference grid on a plane

MultiInputFilter not working for 3 inputs in AndroidFastImageProcessing

Fast way to set byte array to unity texture2d

c# unity3d shader

Rotate Normals in Shader

Render to 1D texture

c opengl glsl shader

Understanding Unitys RGBA encoding in float (EncodeFloatRGBA)

unity3d shader

How can I tint a sprite to white in XNA?

c# xna shader tint

Converting a depth texture sample to a distance

math opengl 3d shader