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How to specify the equivalent of /features:strict (of csc.exe) to msbuild.exe or in the .csproj file?

How do I replace a string variable with a var in Roslyn?

c# roslyn diagnostics

How to get all visible local variable names within a scope with Roslyn (Microsoft CodeAnalysis)

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Generating well-formatted syntax with Roslyn

c# code-formatting roslyn

Why does an interface get emitted at the IL level as an "abstract interface"?

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How to load referenced script libraries from a Roslyn script file?

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Convert razor .cshtml files to C# .cs files

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Is it possible to use Rosyln or Resharper to detect possible DivideByZero cases?

Finding a method's declaring type

c# .net roslyn

Roslyn with .net 4.5.2

.net-4.5 roslyn

Compiling a Syntax Tree using Roslyn

c# syntax tree roslyn

Roslyn future branch cannot use C# 7 feature tuples - Error CS0518 Predefined type 'System.ValueTuple`2

c# .net roslyn c#-7.0

Why can't I create a new analyzer/code fix provider project after installing the Roslyn SDK?

What's the latest version of Roslyn my analyzer can target if I support VS2015?

How stable is the Roslyn CTP as a replacement for dummy console apps?

Replacing the body of a method removes the following line break

c# roslyn

Why does the C# compiler create a new Action instance for every passed delegate?

c# optimization roslyn

Why have Enumerator struct and EnumeratorImpl class?

c# roslyn