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How to get the SyntaxToken.Kind in current version of Roslyn?

c# roslyn

How can I resolve all references with Roslyn's OpenSolutionAsync?

c# roslyn

C# Roslyn Compiler - How to get namespace of a type from IdentifierNameSyntax?

Roslyn compilation - how to reference a .NET Standard 2.0 class library

c# roslyn

Use Roslyn to compile Controllers dynamically

Is there a way to change fonts and colors for the C# Interactive window in the Roslyn CTP?

CompilationErrorException when including System.Linq in Roslyn CP2

Synthesizing a lambda in Roslyn's C# compiler

c# roslyn

How can I find all signatures(overloads) of a method in Roslyn in a class or partial class files?

Cannot create a compilation in Roslyn from source code

How do I remove regions from code programatically using Roslyn?

c# roslyn

Roslyn : How to get unresolved types


What's the relationship between Mono Cecil and NRefactory and how to compare them to Roslyn? [closed]

Roslyn: Current Workspace in Diagnostic with code fix project

c# roslyn

Safe Navigation of indexed objects

c# operators roslyn c#-6.0

Debug script code that is being executed with Roslyn CSharpScript


Microsoft Roslyn GetDiagnostics() can't dectect error

c# roslyn

How do I execute a script with Roslyn in End User Preview

c# roslyn

Where to find Roslyn Project Templates for VS 2015?

visual-studio-2015 roslyn

Why does initial hash value in GetHashCode() implementation generated for anonymous class depend on property names?

c# roslyn