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New posts in naming

Java "User" class naming best practice?

java naming

WCF Naming Guidelines/Best Practices

wcf naming

Correct naming convention for C library code [closed]

What is the difference between shuffle and permute

x86 intel simd naming avx

How to choose function names? [duplicate]

What is the Swift syntax " .bar" called?

swift syntax naming

Naming of an algorithmic antipattern

Why is Func<T> not called Meth<T>?

c# methods naming

Is it ok to use an argument named "arguments" in JavaScript?

javascript naming

Why are some names, like none vs. hidden and href vs. src so inconsistent in CSS and HTML?

html css naming w3c

Need help choosing a name for an interface

c# .net naming

How to deal with changing feature and product names in source code?

Is it possible to name a database table column with the word 'type' without incurring into problems?

Why is Vec::len a method instead of a public property?

methods rust visibility naming

Moving items between two list boxes. What do you call this type of form?

user-interface forms naming

Why are the aliases for string and object in lowercase?

Viewing a list of all python operators via the interpreter

PHP Namespace Class Naming Convention

How do you name member variables in VB.NET?

Why should i give a name to an If Statement?

java if-statement naming