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New posts in namespaces

When is a namespace::function() declaration useful?

Problem with XSLT where source xml document uses default namespace

xslt namespaces default

Using statements before or after Namespace in C# [duplicate]

c# namespaces

using namespace

namespaces c++-cli

Adding namespaces to C++ implementations that have a C header

c++ c namespaces

How to change a Lift project root package?

calling functions above their declaration

Symfony2 repository standard folder or namespace

C++ using namespace in PHP?

php namespaces

Redefine core function in another namespace

php oop namespaces

CS0234: The type or namespace name '<namespace2>' does not exist in the namespace '<namespace1>.' (are you missing an assembly reference?)

FileNotFoundException Could not locate clojure/java/jdbc__init.class

jar clojure namespaces require

Namespaces and modules in the Swift language

Why does CppCheck give an array access out of bounds error for this static const array?

Translating Perl to Ruby - modules vs. classes

ruby perl namespaces

ClojureScript split one namespace into multiple files

Class name is the same as namespace issue

Forward declaring a function in a namespace inside another function in that namespace

Using Angular with TypeScript and Namespaces

There is no Action mapped for namespace [/] and action name [login] associated with context path [/Struts2Test]