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New posts in monads

Haskell: parallel computation and the 'sequential property' of monads

haskell monads repa

How does the higher-order encoding of indexed monads work?

haskell monads state-monad

Monadic type checker in Haskell

Is every repeatedly nested monads useful?

haskell io monads

Chained if/else statements in the IO Monad

haskell monads

MonadFix instance for []

list haskell monads monadfix

What is this thing similar to KleisliFunctor?

Is there a generic way to decompose the free comonad over a failure monad into a “values stream and final error”?

Error handling in Haskell with Either monad

Calling an IO Monad inside an Arrow

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Is a bindable functor a useful abstraction for more type safe DSLs?

haskell monads dsl

Custom state in Trifecta

Haskell -- Timing out computations in the Rand monad

What's an idiomatic way of handling a lazy input channel in Haskell

haskell state monads irc

Relation of free monad and AST

How do I combine Result and State in Elm?

StateT over Cont. Why is my state not being reset?

Type-level monoid-like operations for generalizing indexed monads?

How to cleanly convert between lists and ListT monad transformers?

Can I use monads with clojurescript?