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Custom state in Trifecta

I'm using Trifecta parser combinator library and my parser outputs instances of AST data type. I want each instance to have unique ID (which is simple Int).

In Parsec I would create custom state and increment the ID when neccesery. How can we do it in Trifecta?

like image 933
Wojciech Danilo Avatar asked Sep 14 '13 21:09

Wojciech Danilo

1 Answers

You can enhance the Parser monad with the StateT monad transformer to get what you want. This integrates well with the rest of the library, as most of the combinators use type classes rather than concrete types (meaning you don't have to do much lifting for the code to work). Here is a decent example of this. It parses a grammar with identifiers and symbols separated by whitespace. Each identifier is give a unique number.

module Main where
import Text.Trifecta
import Control.Monad.State
import Control.Applicative
import Data.Monoid

data Identifier = Identifier String Int deriving (Show)

identifier :: StateT Int Parser Identifier
identifier = do
  name <- some letter
  newId <- get
  modify (+1)
  return $ Identifier name newId

symbolToken :: Parser Char
symbolToken = oneOf "+-*/"

data Token = IdentifierToken Identifier | SymbolToken Char deriving (Show)

singleToken :: StateT Int Parser Token
singleToken = try (IdentifierToken <$> identifier) <|> (SymbolToken <$> lift symbolToken)

parseTokens :: StateT Int Parser [Token]
parseTokens = singleToken `sepBy1` spaces

testParse :: String -> Result [Token]
testParse = parseString (evalStateT parseTokens 0) mempty 

test1 :: Result [Token]
test1 = testParse "these are identifiers and + some / symbols -"

test1 results in:

Success [IdentifierToken (Identifier "these" 0)
,IdentifierToken (Identifier "are" 1)
,IdentifierToken (Identifier "identifiers" 2)
,IdentifierToken (Identifier "and" 3)
,SymbolToken '+',IdentifierToken (Identifier "some" 4)
,SymbolToken '/',IdentifierToken (Identifier "symbols" 5),SymbolToken '-']
like image 154
David Miani Avatar answered Sep 24 '22 07:09

David Miani