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New posts in comonad

How should I implement a Cayley Table in Haskell?

What is a Cohoist in scalaz?

scala scalaz comonad

Combining the state monad with the costate comonad

Are comonads a good fit for modeling the Wumpus world?

Reasonable Comonad implementations

What benefits do I get from creating an instance of Comonad

haskell comonad

Is there a generic way to decompose the free comonad over a failure monad into a “values stream and final error”?

How to work with AST with Cofree annotation?

Understanding Comonad's <$$>

haskell comonad

Which Algebraic Pattern fits this type of tree?

haskell monads comonad

Why can't I find any law violations for the NotQuiteCofree not-quite-comonad?

What would be the methods of a bi-comonad?

Every free monad over a ??? functor yields a comonad?

Applicative is to monad what X is to comonad

Tree Functor and Foldable but with Nodes. Is there any generalization over it?

Comonad duplicate function

haskell comonad

Is the concept of an "interleaved homomorphism" a real thing?

Why IO is a monad instead of a comonad?

Theoretically, is this a valid comonad instance for a list?

list haskell comonad

Comonad example in Scala

scala monads scalaz comonad