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Chained if/else statements in the IO Monad




I'm wondering if there is an idiomatic way to write control code similar to chained if/else statements in an imperative language in the IO Monad.

So in a language like Python, I would typically right something like this:

if οs.path.isdir(fname):
    # do whatever
elif os.path.isfile(fname):
    # ...
    # ...

The best I could come up in Haskell is the following:

isf <- doesFileExist path
isd <- if isf then return False else doesDirectoryExist path
case (isf, isd) of
    (True,  _)      -> return ...
    (_,     True)   -> return ...
    _               -> return ...

Which is not as good, and I am wondering if there is a better way to write this sort of thing.

Also, to validate my understanding: the if isf part in isd <- ... is required in the case of the IO Monad, if you don't want to always do both operations. My guess would be that in other Monads (lazy Monads?), this would not be needed because isd would be evaluated lazily.


Based on the first comments, I ended up with the following:

firstMatchM :: (Monad m) => a -> [(a -> m Bool, b)] -> b -> m b
firstMatchM arg [] def   = return def
firstMatchM arg ((check,x):xs) def = do
    t <- check arg
    if t then return x else firstMatchM arg xs def

doFirstM :: (Monad m) => a -> [(a -> m Bool, a -> m b)] -> (a -> m b) -> m b
doFirstM arg acts def = do
    fm <- firstMatchM arg acts def
    fm arg

handlePath2 path = doFirstM path
   [( \p -> doesFileExist p,
         \p ->  return "file"
   ),(\p -> doesDirectoryExist p,
         \p -> return "dir"
   )] $ \p -> return "Error"

Which is similar to @chi's second suggestion, bit I prefer ifM, because it's closer to the imperative version.

like image 656
ynimous Avatar asked Nov 08 '15 10:11


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1 Answers

If we don't want to involve monad transformers, a basic option is rolling our own monadic if:

ifM :: Monad m => m Bool -> m a -> m a -> m a
ifM act t e = do
  b <- act
  if b then t else e

Then the code structure is similar to the one in imperative languages:

test :: IO String
test = ifM anAction (do
          putStrLn "branch a"
          return "a")
       $ ifM otherAction (do
          putStrLn "branch b"
          return "b")
       $ return "none"

where anAction, otherAction :: IO Bool.

Alternatively, use something like

ifChain :: [(IO Bool, IO a)] -> IO a -> IO a
ifChain [] e = e
ifChain ((g, a) : acts) e = do
   b <- g
   if b then a else ifChain acts e
like image 78
chi Avatar answered Oct 03 '22 11:10
