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Difference in performance for Coin Change between Haskell and C++

I was trying to implement the Coin Change problem in Haskell. The problem is as follows:

Given a set of coins and an infinite supply of those coins, find the minimum number of coins that it will require to make a certain value, say n.

I wrote the following program in haskell:

import Data.Vector ((!), generate)
import Control.Applicative
import Control.Monad

coins = [1, 5, 10, 25, 100] :: [Int]

coinchangev :: Int -> [Int] -> Int
coinchangev n cs = v ! n
 where v = generate (n+1) f
       f 0 = 0
       f n = 1 + minimum [v ! x | x <- map (n-) cs, x >= 0]

main :: IO ()
main = do n <- read <$> getLine :: IO Int
           putStrLn . show $ coinchangev n coins

I wrote the following program in c++:

#include <iostream>
#include <vector>

using namespace std;
typedef vector<int> row;

const row coins {1, 5, 10, 25, 100};
#define INT_MAX 9999999;

int coinchange(const int n, const row& coins) {
    row v(n+1, 0);

    for (int i=1; i<n+1; i++) {
        int min = INT_MAX;

        for (int j=0; j<coins.size(); j++) {
            int x = i - coins[j];
            if (x >= 0 && v[x] < min) {
                min = v[x];

        v[i] = 1 + min;

    return v.back();

int main() {
    int n; cin >> n;
    cout << coinchange(n, coins) << endl;

    return 0;

I compiled the haskell version with ghc -O3 (version 7.8.4) and the c++ version with g++ --std=c++1y -O3 (version 4.8.4).

For the input 10000000 my haskell program takes much longer than my c++ version to complete. Here are the timings that were measured using time:

Haskell: 6.40user 0.85system 0:07.26elapsed 99%CPU (0avgtext+0avgdata 2664316maxresident)k 152inputs+0outputs (1major+647822minor)pagefaults 0swaps

C++: 0.08user 0.00system 0:00.08elapsed 97%CPU (0avgtext+0avgdata 39964maxresident)k 0inputs+0outputs (0major+936minor)pagefaults 0swaps

My question is why I'm seeing such a large difference and what steps I can take (if any) to improve the performance of the Haskell code. I had expected performance to be basically equivalent (at least within the same order). My objective was to keep the solution simple (and hopefully idiomatic) in both languages.

like image 549
Ajit Singh Avatar asked Aug 22 '15 16:08

Ajit Singh

1 Answers

Unboxed vectors might help here:

import Data.Vector.Unboxed as U ((!), constructN, length)

coinchangev :: Int -> [Int] -> Int
coinchangev n cs = v ! n
 where v = constructN (n+1) f
       f w = case U.length w of
             0 -> 0
             m -> 1 + minimum [w ! x | x <- map (m-) cs, x >= 0]

Original code:

$ time ./CoinChange 

real    0m12.543s
user    0m11.742s
sys 0m0.800s

Unboxed variant:

$ time ./CoinChange2

real    0m1.598s
user    0m1.588s
sys 0m0.012s

Original C++:

$ time ./CoinChange_cpp 

real    0m0.084s
user    0m0.072s
sys 0m0.012s
like image 106
chi Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 07:09
