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How to display mathematical symbols,physics,chemistry equations in android?

I am developing a trivia quiz app which may have maths,physics and chemistry symbols, since this a real time game app everytime questions will be downloaded from a server and shown for particular topic.It needs to be a native android app and performance is very important(two player game).If I am using jqmath or mathml inside webview as mentioned it takes a bit of time to render, is there any other android library or should I use ndk c or c++ libraries for performance(if so kindly name them) or how can I improve performance with webview itself or any other better idea, please suggest?

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Learner_Programmer Avatar asked Jul 13 '15 06:07


People also ask

How do you type physics symbols?

On the Insert tab, in the Symbols group, click the arrow under Equation, and then click Insert New Equation. Under Equation Tools, on the Design tab, in the Symbols group, click the More arrow. Click the arrow next to the name of the symbol set, and then select the symbol set that you want to display.

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[Option] + [W] produces Σ sigma sign.

2 Answers

After an year, I found a library which could do this quite efficiently and have used this in current project. This is the link of that great work Mathview which you can easily include in your native code itself.

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Learner_Programmer Avatar answered Nov 09 '22 14:11


It seems that you need a TeX-like system to generate mathematics/physics/chemistry symbol and/or equations? If that's so, TeXLive4Android is worth a trial.

Or you might want to build a webservice that use TeX-like systems to generate png image, check this post.

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Ted Yu Avatar answered Nov 09 '22 14:11

Ted Yu