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New posts in memory-model

Reducing bus traffic for cache line invalidation

Do the release-acquire visibility guarantees of std::mutex apply to only the critical section?

Concurrent writes to different locations in the same cache line

Are we guaranteed that hashcode caching through data race will work correctly?

Does this envelope implementation correctly use C++11 atomics?

Registers in C#

Will fetch_add with relaxed memory order return unique values?

Java memory model : compiler rearranging code lines

java memory memory-model

How to understand the channel communication rules in golang memory model?

Memory barriers and Linux kernel spinlock on TILE-Gx

reordering atomic operations in C++

Is this instruction reordering allowed by the JLS or not?

java jvm memory-model jls

Will relaxed memory order lead to infinite loop here?

What's "sequentially consistent executions are free of data races"?

java memory-model

Why isn't java.lang.Class.newInstance0() strictly correct under the java memory model?

java memory-model

std::atomic<int> memory_order_relaxed VS volatile sig_atomic_t in a multithreaded program

fetch_add with acq_rel memory order

Implicit synchronization when creating/joining threads

Does const_cast ever cause actual code emission?

Concurrency and memory models