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New posts in memory-model

sequenced-before modification order consistency

Out-of-order execution and reordering: can I see what after barrier before the barrier?

Memory Model: preventing store-release and load-acquire reordering

How C++ Standard prevents deadlock in spinlock mutex with memory_order_acquire and memory_order_release?

Is memory ordering in C++11 about main memory flush ordering?

How std::memory_order_seq_cst works

What does memory_order_consume really do?

Does making a field `volatile` prevent all memory visibility issues in a concurrent situation?

meaning of "memory ordering obeys causality"?

x86 memory-model

Does the use of an anonymous pipe introduce a memory barrier for interthread communication?

c++ windows posix memory-model

Memory Model in Ruby

Is atomic_thread_fence(memory_order_release) different from using memory_order_acq_rel?

Is the example in the membarrier man page pointless in x86?

confused about atomic class: memory_order_relaxed

volatile with release/acquire semantics

Do C++ conditional statements carry a dependency from the condition expression to the statement?

c++ c++11 memory-model

Why is atomic.StoreUint32 preferred over a normal assignment in sync.Once?

How are memory_order_seq_cst fences useful anymore in C++20?

How to use Intel TSX with C++ memory model?

Does a Java Lock object enforce a happens-before relationship?